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Step Into the Future: 5 Resolutions For The Best 2024 Resolution FOUR


Resolution # 4.

Have High Expectations For God To Move In Your Life!

“No matter what, I will continue to hope and passionately cling to Christ so that He will be openly revealed through me before everyone's eyes.” Philippians 2:20 TPT

There was a season in my life when I faced discouragement so bad that I couldn’t seem to shake it. I was in a long season of waiting, but even in the waiting, many things I was experiencing in life were opposite of what God was telling me, and it started to weigh heavy on me.

Through this process, the enemy was trying to keep my faith so low that I didn’t have the spiritual stamina to believe what He was saying was true. But at the same time, God used this attack of discouragement from the enemy to train me in prayer at a much deeper level than I had experienced before.

This is where I really learned to pray God’s will onto Earth. The Holy Spirit would show me what His will was in heaven, and even though some things I was experiencing in life were the opposite, I would fast and pray, and things started to shift. God brought breakthrough through deep prayer and I started to see things unfold the way God was saying they should be.

During this discouraging time in my life, I received a prophetic word from the Holy Spirit during prayer. It was like fresh water to my spirit, and I felt like He wanted me to share it with you. I believe it’ll be fresh water to your spirit and encourage you to have high expectations for this year-2024!

“I’ve been preparing your wineskin. I’ve been preparing your CAPACITY to contain what I have prepared for you, says the Lord. Don’t grow weary! For I have been preparing You! Soon, yes, very soon-you will see. Trust me-for I am your Good Shepherd! Time is too short for my wine to be wasted! There is a season of waiting for the RIGHT TIME. Behold, my dear one, the time is near. If I would’ve moved when you THOUGHT I should, you would not have been able to contain what I have in store! I am preparing your wineskin! You were disappointed over those closed doors-but it was my goodness and my mercy that closed those doors. I have been ripening you for what’s in store-so GET YOUR FAITH UP! GET YOUR FAITH UP! AM I NOT THE LORD?! I AM YAHWEH!! GET YOUR HOPES UP AGAIN!!...AM I NOT YOUR LORD?! Don’t sweat the small stuff.”

No matter what is behind you in 2023, move forward in 2024 with EXPECTATION. Don’t put your expectations in anything except CHRIST!

Say this prayer with me:

Father, I ask you to forgive me for any unbelief in my heart. Break off discouragement from the enemy and guard my heart from allowing it to creep in again. Help me to cling to you and put my hope and expectations in you and nothing else. Help me to get my faith up and have faith in you! May your will be on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus name amen!



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I've been a believer in Jesus since the age of 15. Jesus radically set me free from drug addiction, alcohol abuse, suicide and so much more!  I would love to share my story with you...

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