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Step Into the Future: 5 Resolutions For The Best 2024 Resolution THREE


Resolution # 3.

Keep a Grateful Heart!

“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thess. 5:16-18

Gratefulness is not just for November!

Start 2024 focusing on the positive!

Did you know that shifting from negativity and focusing on gratitude can change how your brain functions? When you think positively and keep a grateful heart, dopamine is released in the brain. Dopamine is a “happy hormone”. So, the more you think positively and stay grateful, the happier you'll actually be!

I personally feel like contentment goes hand in hand with gratitude. In our culture today, there’s so much materialism and comparison. There’s so much striving for bigger, better, best. If you fall into this trap, you’ll never be satisfied in life. I don’t think it’s wrong to aim for better or to have goals. I’m very goal-oriented and find fulfillment in benchmark-type successes. I think goals make for productivity. But those things shouldn’t take your focus off of God or cause you to be ungrateful. God has taught me that the best portion I can have in life is JESUS. I hope you can learn this if you haven’t!

In 1 Thess. 5:16-18, I think that “pray continually” comes before “give thanks in all circumstances” because if you stay in prayer, when you get in God’s presence, it’s hard not to have a grateful heart! When you set your mind on Christ, you aren’t focusing on your circumstances, yourself, or anything else but Him. And when your eyes are fixed on Jesus, He shifts your heart and like Windex to your eyes, your perspective is realigned to what matters most. No matter what you're experiencing, you can “give thanks in all circumstances,” as the scripture says!

I love to have quiet moments of reflection and journal what I am thankful for. I would encourage you to purchase a beautiful new journal and aim to write something you are grateful for every day! If you struggle to be positive, ask God to help you-HE WILL! Most of all, keep your eyes on Jesus. Draw closer to Him this year. Everything will shift when you make Jesus a priority!


Say this prayer with me:

Father, I ask that you forgive me for any areas in my life where I’ve become ungrateful or allowed negativity to creep in. Help me to keep my focus on you and see where you’re moving in my life. Thank you for my life and all that you are doing in my life. Jesus, thank you for giving YOUR life so I can truly live. Holy Spirit, shift my perspective and teach me contentment. May gratitude overwhelm my heart for all you've done for me!



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I've been a believer in Jesus since the age of 15. Jesus radically set me free from drug addiction, alcohol abuse, suicide and so much more!  I would love to share my story with you...

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